Spirit Quest Course

This blog has essays from the Spirit Quest course offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. The course is 30 weeks long and will change your life.

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Spirit Quest by Kimberly Bateau

Dear Amy,

I’m finally getting a chance to write down what I learned from the Spirit Quest course. It was a very good course, and although many things that were covered I learned during my Reiki and Spiritual Counselor courses.

I think that getting people to think in a new light can have a profound impact not only on themselves, but the people close to them which ripples out to the entire world. At times you may feel like you’re not doing much, but in fact everything we try to do positively does in fact have impact.

Some of the tools I found most useful I will list next.

First, a very important tool that all spiritual workers should learn is Protection. Without it, we soak up and carry other people’s energy with us whether bad or good. It’s like it wipes off them and super glues it to our aura which will seep into everything we touch and do. I had not used the protection rose before but used a protective purple bubble, so it was different, but an exciting way to look at and try a new form of visualization for protection. 

Another part I found very good was How Spirit Communicates. The numerology section was very good. I’ve been actually using a form of numerology for myself in times when numbers seem to just “stand out” and sure enough when added up, the numbers make total sense for what I’m looking for. Example: My favorite and resounding number has always been 9. When I started calling out for the Goddess to make herself known, Oya answered. Her magickal number is 9. When I’m not sure about something  or am trying to decide something, if 9 comes up I know it’s a sign of the positive nature and I should follow that path.

Getting Unstuck helped me a lot. I tend to hit bumps and now using the tools of amusement and the possibilities that there are other possibilities besides the one I’m “stuck” on… really opens my mind. It’s an amazing thought.  Here’s an example of how I’ve used this wonderful tool. I have a client that comes for Reiki. She’s been suffering with a rare pelvic disorder for over 3 years. She is constantly focusing in on the negative and how she feels she’ll never get better. I was getting sick of hearing this from her because it was non-conductive to her healing. The more comfortable I got with her, the more I started to get her laughing and thinking about other things. 

In fact one time I made the joke, “How about I drop a rock on your foot.” She looked at me stunned, “What’s that going to do?” she asked. I said, “Well, it’s going to hurt, but it will take your mind off the pelvic pain for a little while.” Well, this got her laughing and she started to lighten up. Since then she’s had better days and even communicates with crystals I use during her healing.
Sometimes when I’ve been with a patient I feel tired and heavy… this is when I realize that I need a good cleansing and clear my chakras. I cannot express how important the chakras are to our living systems and how we feel physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I hope this helps give a better understanding of how I have interpreted the course. I found through this course, I could focus better on my intents which has improved my Reiki sessions, I’ve found ways to better protect myself from sucking up other’s problems/energy, I’ve learned how to better communicate with higher beings and my spirit guides. I notice my hands although they’ve always been hot when I work on clients have become hotter and they tingle. I actually work up a sweat now when doing Reiki. I think it’s part and par because of the course.
I really enjoyed it and look forward to hopefully taking more in the future.

Many blessings,
Rev. Kimberly Bateau

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Spirit Quest

Hi Amy,
Working towards my Spirit-Quest, Masters in Metaphysics has been a very rewarding journey. I have learned how something as simple as grounding can pull you through just about anything.

I lost my daughter to unexpected death a few months ago.  It has really been difficult to deal with many aspects of my life.  However, this course has helped me be able to move through many of the pitfalls that come with grief and what if’s, fairly well.

Prior to this I was in a particularly stressful job, which did not bring out the best in me.  This course taught me how to ground myself, and use the roses to protect myself from and get rid of all the negative energy that was coming to me.  To let all the bad run right out of me.  It was amazing how it would instantly ease my burden and give me a new perspective.  This course also taught me how to create my own reality.  To forgive, and move on, to not let bad energy stay in my space.  

Even now, if a bad situation arises, I catch myself coming out of my protection mode as I call it.  Others have noticed it too. And I am not angry.  I am better equipped to handle my life and all the aspects of it.  Now that I have grown spiritually, I realize that other people’s problems are not mine. Not saying that I don’t help others. I am huge in community service.  I am saying that their problems are not my cross to bear.  I cannot fix them. I am responsible for me.  If we each take care of ourselves, I feel that we will be better grounded to mother earth and able to help out in situations where people may really need a hand, ear or shoulder. 

Terrie Hawkins


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Spirit Quest by Sherri Roberts

Spirit-Quest, the course has been and will continue to be a valuable set of tools. I continue to cherish each one. They have a place in the library at our home. Like any teaching implement, they are referred to time and time again. I want to thank the many that have walked with me through this part of my life’s journey. Thank you Amy, thanks to those who helped put it together, the spirit guides that help me walk through my conscious and unconscious levels of understanding. Thanks to the Elemental Spirits for allowing themselves to be seen and worked with, thanks to the beings who have come to me through these studies and continue to walk with me on my path. Thanks to all.

I have searched to understand myself for as long as I can remember. Through this course, I have been able to identify energies and processes that eluded me.  My relationships with others have changed for the betterment of my self-growth. 

Meditation as I understand it, has evolved so I may use it throughout my day and night. I visualize on a regular basis in most things that pass through my life. The exercises provided in the course have awakened senses or awareness that give strength to my Spiritual self.  My perception of my energies and the energies around me are growing and becoming more vivid. I am learning to distinguish between my personal energy, the earth energies and the “cosmos” energies. My drive to heal the creatures that come to me for rehabilitation continues with my understanding of the “purpose” or “abilities” of each type of energy. Instead of using my personal energy to try and heal one that is injured, I visualize the energies of the Earth and the Universe to work with the creature.

This course introduced me to the concept of the Astral Plane and my own astral body. I am learning to visualize the cleansing of the silver cord and the placing of my golden light within this astral body. The concept is new to me. I am sure over time, this will become second nature and many more opportunities will present themselves that deal with the ‘spiritual” or astral plane and the beings that live there. If I remember correctly, there are eleven levels that were introduced. As with any introduction, it is but a doorway through which I am entering.

I am learning different ways of perceiving the worlds around me, to release my fear of the unknown (which is taught), and to embrace others without judgment.

An added bonus to taking this course is getting to know Amy Long. Through the sharing of her life experiences and approach to subjects, she has given the blessing of herself. With this, I would like to say thanks to all who played a part in my journey through Spirit-Quest.

Rev. Sherri Roberts


Friday, June 25, 2010

Spirit Quest Course

The very first sentences of this course have been the most important for me. In these sentences I have grown in courage and understanding. I have been able to embrace these words as a reality for my life.

1. You Are A Perfect Being.

2. God Loves You.

3. You Were Created In Perfection, By Perfection for Perfection.

4. Your Success Is Guaranteed.

The content of this course for me has all been based in the above four sentences because in them I have found my true self. My life, not unlike others, has been extremely difficult as I come from a very dysfunctional family and I am proud that I have. The negative conditioning that I received as a child has made me value my growth process. The very first sentence says, “You are a perfect being.” The problem with the way I was raised is that I was taught to embrace my imperfections. As I studied the discourses I now see that I have no imperfections and any flaw can be turned just by changing my view. It had been easy for me to accept myself as imperfect and undeserving and while I saw myself with all these flaws my world continually supported those notions. After practicing the meditations and taking off the veil of untruth I can easily accept that this world is made perfect and just as nature is perfect so am I. My body (the spiritual as well as the physical) works in perfection and when I view myself as aligned with the universe then I can easily see myself as perfect or better yet as being, “created in perfection, by perfection and for perfection.

As a child I am the product of my mother and her union with a married man. Now my mother didn’t know that my father was married, but when she found out it was too late. So, since my mother could not punish the man she punished me by withholding love. Coming from my experiences with my family and having a mother who did know about the value of forgiveness, I thought that God (Goddess, Source, The Creator) could not possibly love someone like me. As I walked through the discourses and practiced Rose meditation and visualization, I began to see just how wrong I was in my assumption. I saw (and see) that in everything that has been created in this world and in the spiritual realm there is no limit of the love that I am the recipient of. I have learned how the source of the universe has given me genius and how she communicates this through the most basic and beautiful things (music, numbers, and color). I was born under a unique set of numbers I see my talents I see the love that Goddess has for me in all that she created. Just to know that there is no way I can fail gives me the courage to do those things I though impossible.

When I started this course I knew certain things and was in the process of opening up to realize more of the Universal Truths. Since my study I have grown to understand the reasons that I had not manifested in my life those things which I needed.

My biggest obstacle to growth had been my view on forgiveness. I had always thought that to forgive those that, in my estimation, had hurt me meant to let them off the hook. Now, I understand that it is not about letting them off the hook, but it is about realigning me with the divine. It is about releasing and letting go. Forgiveness is what I do for me and is about no giving my power away to those who have caused me harm. My biggest surprise while walking through this lesson is that I realized that I had been withholding forgiveness because I wanted revenge…I wanted them to feel the pain that I carried. In reality (this is a shocker) the pain that I felt had been because I LET IT IN! I made it my own personal pain. I decided to use the forgiveness letter. Now the forgiveness letter asks that you use compassionate and loving words to the offender. This letter allowed me to first see my offenders as human, and then it showed me the power of compassion. As I have held on to the un-forgiveness I had allowed myself to be cut off from the compassionate side of me. I didn’t mail these letters, but I did burn them and visualized the smoke as carrying my forgiveness to the person. I let go completely of the blame, shame, and need for revenge.

This course has strengthened my meditation and visualization skills. It reminds me of a song sung by a very popular R&B singer R. Kelly. The title is “I believe I can fly” and in the song there are some words that are the foundation of Metaphysics, “….if I can see it….then I can be it…, I believe I can fly.” Metaphysics as detailed in this course works because we use visualization techniques to manifest. What I can visualize in my mind, I can bring into my physical reality. In past I have manifested negative (“if you don’t fill it, someone or something will fill it for you” – discourse four) but using guided meditation to ground I learned to fill myself with positive instead.

There are so many things I learned with this course and It would take me another lifetime to talk about it all, but since I am learning about balancing my time and am practicing staying in the present I will say that this course has taken me though some horrible memories and because of that I have been able to release the negative emotions and learn the lesson. I am now a better minister because I know how important letting go is. I understand how holding on can manifest pain, and negativity into my life. I can now teach others how to manifest a rose to dispel negative energy and bring in the beauty of love. I can teach others how to tap into the divine and experience the type of unconditional love that we all deserve. These lessons have taught me that this world in which I live was created in abundance and like all of nature I have all I need after all,

I AM A Perfect Being, Goddess Loves Me; I was Created in Perfection, By Perfection for Perfection and my Success Is Guaranteed.

Reverend Tammy J. Hamilton


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Dear Rev. Amy:

There have been so many ways this course has enlightened me. Learning about how I treat myself was an area that I never ever thought about. I was hard on myself, thinking I have been stupid, a failure, a bad person and incompetent. I learned that my life is a journey and all the "mistakes" are lessons I need to learn in this lifetime. Learning to recognize when I have moved out of love, has been difficult and rewarding.

On being true to myself and my word, I have come a long way as well. I have researched, meditated and searched inward for my "true" beliefs. I have not blindly followed "popular" beliefs, views or doctrine on spirituality for several years. I have become comfortable being different and self-thinking. I adhere to the teachings of Jesus, as I was raised Christian. I have learned for me, that the Bible opens as many questions as it answers. I feel it is more of a guide than a law, as with all other respected religious material.

I have benefited daily from newly learned meditation techniques. Before starting Spirit Quest, I already grounded and opened chakras for meditation. The huge gold sun, protection rose and sticky sun integrated smoothly into my routine. Having the ability to fill my life with golden sun energy has increased my inner happiness, along with creating and destroying roses greatly reduced my stress levels. The ability to destroy even the smallest of annoyances creates more room for positive energy. The sticky sun has taught me that I can re-capture lost energy and re-claim it for my use.

I learned to look at situations and ask what am I being asked to learn from this situation? How does this fit into the "big picture" of my life?

Functioning in a negative frame of mind or surrounding oneself with negative people and energy was normal for me until this course. I rarely recognized I was hardly ever operating out of love.

Life is complicated and does require that one is constantly paying attention and be aware. Daily miracles go easily unnoticed if operating in a robot lifestyle.

I have taken time to really look at my beliefs. They are still changing as I learn. Learning that the voices I hear are not mine was a great affirmation. Speaking in the positive to tell the universe the right thing. The importance of asking the right questions.....all great concepts I can use as tools now.

I have discovered I am a mature soul. There really are so many questions that need answers. My soul is focused on relationships and bonding. The great spiritual awareness is over-whelming and difficult to handle at times. I try to take baby steps or the one-day-at-a-time process to help focus on the present.

Please forgive me for my error in sending this essay in 2 parts. I hit the wrong key...and not being computer knowledgeable, I did not know any other way to get it to you. My sincerest apologies.

Yours truly,
Kimberly Shaw


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spirit Quest

Comments on the Spirit Quest Program by Rev. Ayanvli Rick
To all fellow ULC course members~~

I have worked on FORGIVENESS with family and others for years in different situations.

I never really hit quite the Bulls Eye with those letters as I did with this round of writings.

I chose to write a form of 3 letters.

When I did the assignment, I just let it all flow or, I would never get to it to start with or get this part of the assignment completed. I was amazed at how rigorously honest I could get with each one, my Creator and Medicine Helpers came to help me as I chose to focus and DO THE ASSIGNMENT! They assisted to keep things at bay and helped me to not get to distracted. I was surprised at what came out on the paper in each step of this process in this discourse.

I found; it was Honest, Non-Judgmental and straight to the point in each step of the way which helped me tremendously to stay focused and walk through it as best as possible.

I have assisted in FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS healing work for others. Now I know you receive the healing in your issues that are similar however, I have not been the one speaking of the family dynamics.

When I finished, I noticed a lightness and an understanding of others in a deeper way that I have in a long time.

As I visualized my grounding cord for this weeks work in seminary to ready self with greater protection tools. I find these are gifted to us, a chosen few~~ as we CHOOSE to LOOK for them and HONE, REFINE them, to assist with arming self with tools to destroy the buttons that others seem to push and this in turn allows in pain that harm self in all facets of one's embodiment, no matter how it enter the body.

I learned about the grounding cord and the Golden Sun with a little tweak to it.
I never understood the importance of collecting and burning off the energies. this is very helpful key.

I understand now, these tools are to re-mind us of what we are here to do, you re-member? our our mission our purpose? and how to weave through life carrying out our Divine contract or agreement, with less things attached to us well...

Rev. Amy's discourses are to assist each of us to purify ourselves and Burnish us so we will do our jobs with; Clarity, Courage, Strengh and Love.

I loved this one as I was able to incorporate the assistance of Sister Sun and have her help me collect those parts of my self I have spread out in and throughout my daily events. Collecting this back up and bringing it back into me if I choose or sending it into Sister sun to transmute... great one, Rev. Amy!

I especially love the part of ...

**RE-member to ground out energies that don't belong to you***

Before this course I learned to ground to the center of Mother Earth by descending on a Silver/Golden/White cord and tie it around a large crystal shard in the center of a cluster at the center of the Mother in the center of liquified Crystal. Anything that was not for your highest and best and/or based in a negative not positive would be transmuted in the liquidation that is of Crystalan structure. Only Divine unconditional love could live/exist there in this environment.

With this discourse I can now feel the movement to the crystalan base and I'm there. much quicker....

I have done this during meetings to stay focused and not be scattered, used while supporting clients in overwhelming situations emotionally, and have used this to gather more energy into self when I was needing a nap and no time allowed for this in my schedule.

Thank you Rev. Amy.

Blessings from our Sacred Medicine Circle,
Rev. Ayanvli Rick


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Spirit Quest

Final Essay – Spirit Quest by Rev. Arthur Putnam

Over the last several months there has been many manifestations of new perceptions of ultimate reality all around me and within me. The course of Spirit Quest has played a important role in providing new insights and tools in the development of my embracing the new knowledge in a form of experience that has brought on a newest of my view of the every expanding universal life force we all share in.

One of my favorite tools in this course I have found most useful is the grounding cord. What an awesome tool we all have built into us once it is recognized and used in the manner it is explained in this course. I also believe it shows the inter-connectivity that we have with earth but also all of creation. Which I believe the course also bring to light the importance of the ALL of creation in this inter-connectedness of our being. When we view Life Source as the source that is not only in the things around us but also within us. That there is no separation between the individual and the Source of Creation or Life that we are empowered in many new ways of freedom and enlightenment.

Even thou the grounding cord is my favorite from this course, I also found that many of the other subjects covered also proved to be very empowering and revealing to the nature of our being. To be able to draw in the energy of the golden sun or to use the flower as tool of protection of energy you do not choose to have bombard you, is a great concept of the many things the Spirit Soul can manifest for you.

Over all I rank this as one of the best study course I have done in some time on gifts of the Spirit that we all have, if we would only get to know ourselves and make use of them.

I highly recommend this course to anyone that is interested in expanding their perception of energy fields and nature of Spirit that resides with in each of us.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Spirit Quest by Gene Rapalyea

Spirit Quest Tools by Rev. Gene Rapalyea

Spirit quest Final Essay Tools

To initiate this discussion of spiritual tools I am going to regress to a need for such an understanding. All of the things I am going to say here are postulation, my understanding to date, hence, quest, Spirit Quest. We start with an awakening of self-awareness; at this stage our understanding is stimulus and response. Next we move to social awareness, trade, getting along without merely grabbing and running or beating and taking.

During these first two stages we have started to recognize that we are able to manipulate the environment around us to our benefit this gives rise to physical tools and all manor of physical fabrication. In these earlier periods of growth we began to recognize that some things that we tried worked and others didn't, this gave rise to the concepts of right and wrong, the law and justice, the accumulation of knowledge, aesthetics (the critique of taste and technique, that which is beautiful and pleasing or is not). While moving through this growth we began to see that there were and are forces that we don't understand or mystify us these forces that seem to control both cause and effect, acting on and in a medium undefined by our physical knowledge and reason. Is it an external agent or emanated from within or both for we both seem to be in control and the out of control. Spirit is intuited and recognized, but what is it and where is it? The quest began as time went by we began to recognize that pretty much all of the above is true, it is both internal and external simultaneously, we are individual and a part of the whole in the broadest sense. We are both in and out of Control.

The Sages through the ages tell us faith and Grace is the key to this control, a topic for another conversation. Beyond faith and grace is the word (spoken or unspoken concept, imagination) and action (ritual) "actions speak louder than words". The word precedes action. So what does this have to do with Spirit, Control and tools? The tools are the outcome of generations of listening to the word and experiencing (including observing) the out come of the generated action. This may be a state of grace.

These statements direct us to the tools, which are to implement and explore the effect we as energetic facets of the whole, can exert as a change agent on our being experience. The tools embody the word and its conversion to experience, i.e. Matter. Some of these tools include:

· Goals, direction and focus.

· Forgiveness, the release of previous burdens to explore new possibilities.

· Meditation, getting in contact with the energy we have to work with.

· Grounding, a first step in directing the energy we have come to recognize.

· The Center of the Head, a safe house and command station to work out of.

· The Trap Door, another look at energetic burdens and their release.

· Golden Suns, starting the use of active movement of that energy.

· Little sticky Suns and roses, protection Roses, Blowing up Roses, more clearing of the work surface.

· Spiritual Hellos

· Mock ups

· Amusement

· Chakra

· Glass Body

My favorite of these tools thus far, are meditation with grounding, bringing in the golden suns the center of the head, workspace, with the trapdoor, to allow others to leave by, the little sticky suns and sticky roses and blowing up roses. All of these tools are of a clearing and releasing nature, which it seems at this time, is what I need the most. Using other clearing tool from various different disciplines I had discovered years ago that we are many layers of energies values and beliefs that have shaped out outcomes, but all of the tools seem to have a effective lifespan of usefulness or that certain tools are useful for some issues and in effective for others. Through the use the little sticky suns I found that I could remove my energy from places or people in the distant past even of those that have been long since deceased. Maybe due to the possible simultaneity of existence this all makes some sort of sense.

As for the tools for manifesting I have only scratched the surface with little effectiveness. It might have to do with focus of direction or level of visualization, imagination or depth of meditation. It occurred to me that perhaps as our strengths in these areas develop, along with the release or our anchors and small successes are recognized, our expectations turn more to the desired outcome and we gain the faith the sages speak of, a faith with works and mountains moved.

The quest continues on.

Rev. Gene Rapalyea


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Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest Final Essay
by Rev. Jessica Marshall  
My life and spiritual practices have undergone some profound changes since starting the Spirit Quest course. One of the most significant changes is the development of my meditation place in my mind. For me this place is a large wheat field with an old oak tree in the center of the field. I sit under or in this magnificent old tree watching the golden wheat bow in the gentle prairie winds. In this place all my spiritual work begins, I run my energy here, I ground myself here, and I call my energy back and remove unwanted energy here. Something I found interesting was how the tools given in this course have evolved for me over the duration of the 30 weeks. Some examples of the evolution are grounding cords turned to roots for me. Much like those of my oak tree, they run deep into Mother Earth and flow out from me in a wide circle. From these roots I can expel larger amounts of unwanted energy and draw in more healing energy from the Earths center. In the last few weeks I have begun playing with energy bubbles rather then energy suns for drawing my energy back to me. With these bubbles I found that I can draw them right to me covering myself in them and allowing them to absorb back into my body. I can send these bubbles in swarms to my children and others making my work as a spiritual healer easier and more effective. Some of the tools I use the most are the manifestation tools. I have brought to myself my spinning wheel, money to pay bills, people back into my life that meant a lot to me as a child and a wonderful friend and as I sit here composing this essay I am waiting to hear back from a job that is perfect for me and my family.
One thing this course and other events in my life have taught me is that every moment of my life is a miracle. Every minute with my husband, my children, my friends and family is a miracle but the most profound miracle in my life is when I manifested a cure for my cancer. Not only am I cancer free but I have no scaring from any of the medical procedures I had to endure. While becoming cancer free really was a profound moment it is the nothing to the miracles my preemie son has seen in his 19 months; he is walking, talking, growing so big and over coming his difficult start and that as a mother is the most moving miracle ever. Holding my 17 year old dog as she transitioned leaving her pain behind was a wonderful gift and miracle for me. Being kissed good bye by my aunts' spirit when she transitioned in a hospital 15 minutes away from where I was at the time was a miracle. The sun shine today, the rain that may come tomorrow, the snow in the winter are all miracles to me. A miracle is made in every minute as long as we look through eyes of universal love and see the profound beauty given to us by God.
About six months before starting this course I became a level 3 reiki practitioner and was already on a path of spiritual renewal and growth however the tools I have been given during this course have allowed me to adjust my life and increase my spiritual awareness in ways I never knew where possible. I am happier as a person, I smile more, and I am more outgoing and more willing to give myself as a companion and friend. My family is happier and my husband and I are closer as a couple. I find myself helping others in understanding how the universe affects our minds, bodies, and spirits more often and it is easier for me to guide others through their daily troubles. My talks with Spirit have been greatly improved through visual communication and dreams as now I can understand that these are tools and I have learned how to use them. Over all, this course has not only improved my understanding of myself and family but has proved to be invaluable in furthering my spirituality, my natural abilities and my skills and a spiritual leader and lightworker.
The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.
Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.
The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.
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Master of Metaphysics

Master of Metaphysics

Spirit Quest Final Essay
By Reverend Rob Kenneway

I thought today would be a great day to write my final essay for the Spirit Quest course that I have just completed. There's nothing like Christmas day to inspire ones faith to grab hold and take you for the ride of the year. The birds sing louder and the breeze blows fresher.

Ever since I was a boy I heard people say that you should watch what you say and do, because it will always come back on you. Well, karma has always been a big part of my life and the lessons that came with it. After reading about karma in this lesson, and practicing or applying those principles, I'm even more of a believer than before. I can notice a change in my life when I'm more careful of how I say and do things each day. Karma has a big part in the happenings in our lives. I think it's Gods way of telling us to do that which is right.

The meditation part of the course was a little too bizarre for me. I guess that I'm just not ready for that. I did get a lot out of sitting quiet and still and just thinking about all the negativity and bad things that go on in my life. I've been having some difficulty getting over a divorce for the past two years. When my ex-wife remarried, she moved 3,000 miles away with me five year old daughter Miranda. I was beating myself up pretty badly. I created a glass bulb with all the negative and energy zapping stuff, and smashed it into the walls. My daughter Miranda is my golden sun, the best thing in my life. I've had some personal healing energy that keeps me from putting the blame on and carry on like the wayward son.

By not reacting, like I used to, to a very aggravating, pompous and obnoxious supervisor at work, I took away the energy that used to make me want to punch his lights out. Now I understand that I was feeding the energy by reacting to his insults. A lot of people are controlled by the big green monster, and treat others badly when under it's spell. Insecurity also plays a big role in such behavior.

I learned quite a lot from the Spirit Quest course, and am a better person because of it. I try to better myself in any way I can and try to be a better representative of the lord above. By knowledge and understanding myself and other people around me, I will be better to myself and the rest of the world. There's much that we don't understand about our world and life itself, but I do understand that we are here for a reason. The biggest part of it is for the good of people and the lord above. Merry Christmas.
Reverend Robert A. Kenneway


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

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The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest Essay

Spirit Quest Essay
Reverend Stephen J. LaJoice
Spirit Quest is a program that allows you to take a good look at yourself. It provides tools to help overcome obstacles for a more fulfilling life.

I was raised Roman Catholic. I was educated in the Catholic School. I ate, slept and lived Catholicism until I left home at 18.

The question I ask myself is "did it make me a better person?" In many ways it did and in some ways it did not. While I have a solid foundation of Christian upbringing through a Catholic education I came to understand the vulnerability of living ones life within the strict confines of a structured religion. I do have a deep acceptance of God and an understanding of the complexity of how everything in life in connected. I am generous and compassionate. I am also stuck with the "guilt "complex that needs constant work.

I learned early in my life that religion and religious practices are molded to fit the needs and causes of man. As man changes so does religion. In some cases religion has a tendency to divide, promote intolerance and narrow ones focus away from the world.

In my high school years, I was introduced to the art of Judo and the study of eastern spiritual philosophy. I found practices and beliefs that helped to cultivate the spiritual aspects of life. I learned how one understands oneself through meditation and self-reflection, how to achieve inner peace and become more tolerant and understanding of others.

I came to understand that spiritualism is a way of living. It is traveling through life in a natural and harmonious way. I came to understand that all things are connected, how one tug on the web of life can be felt by all creatures. I came to understand that animals feel just as humans do. I came to understand how my actions affect others. Say a cross word to your spouse or a friend and they feel it. Say a cross word to your dog and the reaction is the same. Spiritual understanding enhances ones ability to understand ones self, get along with others and to greater experience the moment.
In my early 20's I came across a poster of the Deserata written in 1692. Its advice has been my guide for a lifetime and a mainstay for living spiritually. It starts "Go placidly in the noise and the haste and remember what peace there may be in silence". In today's busy world of dead lines and pressure silence is the pathway to mediation.

God has made us in his image and likeness and I believe we were put on this earth to enjoy ourselves and to nurture all we come in contact with. A life of conflict and desperation was not in Gods design for us. Moments of quiet reflection are needed to recharge our battery.

In the world today we are continually challenged. Our day can be filled with stress, of the unexpected and the expected. We balance our lives against the wants and needs of others as well as what we expect of ourselves……and there are moments when we began to feel enough is enough.
Within ourselves each of us has the desire and the need to feel inner peace. It is the time when we need to sit back, take a deep breath, close our eyes and just let go. Many of us choose our own mediums, such as mediation, yoga or music. However, we choose to get there the ultimate reward is worth it.

As a young man I was plagued with migraine headaches. At that time doctors knew very little about curing them. The method was a strong dose of pain killers and rest. I realized if I was to rid myself of them I would have to do it myself. I found the way through deep meditation, relaxation and biofeedback. I was finally able to beat the headaches back and have not suffered for many years.
As I struggled with my cure I found myself in a quiet place close to God and away from the outside world. It was there that I met myself and began to understand the working of me. I was able to begin to shed the skin of negative thoughts and behaviors. I was able to develop tolerance and have that greater understanding of those around me.

Living is a full time job. It can and does wear you down, if you let it. If you seek to find that quiet place you will truly find the heart of peace, you will find you.

Spirit Quest has been a restatement and reminder of those precepts I learned and practiced throughout my life. It has been an enjoyable experience.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest

by Sharon Corrigan

It has taken me several additional months to conclude this course due to personal schedule conflicts. However, I am actually happy to have had the time to review this course and the accompanying exercises.

I must confess when I first began using the “grounding cord” I didn’t think it particularly remarkable, having my own techniques for grounding. I also found it very difficult to create & blow up roses even though I recognized the concept of creation & destruction. Certainly, we all want new things to come into our lives, yet, to take time to remove the old, worn & outmoded is often a drudgery that we wish to avoid if possible.

So having admitted my resistance to both the exercises above which are given very early on in this course, I must also say that over time I’ve been pleasantly surprised in the results received from performing them. In my early resistance to these, I was not consistent. More recently, I have been utilizing them much more regularly. I find the grounding exercise, not only grounds me but actually helps me rid myself of excess energy. I often imagine fears & negativity flowing thru the grounding cord & flowing down to the center of the Earth’s molten core, thereby, not polluting the Earth, but be dissolved & purified.

When I perform the rose exercise, the important facet of the exercise for me is the destruction of the rose.. This destruction process has helped me look at areas of my life for what no longer serves me and release the unwanted elements. I guess I use both techniques as a way of releasing and letting go. Perhaps, that is important in my own personal development right now, for it certainly comes easy to me. The grounding cord is a general way to get rid of all the unwanted. The rose is used for particularly intentions and the satisfaction of destroying the intended rose has become quite satisfying.

I have found the Spirit Quest Course very clear and easy to read. It offers introductory information on many compelling subjects from the Chakras to Reincarnation. Each weekly chapter gives information & exercises that allow the student to interact with the material.

I have enjoyed this course and look forward to participating in other courses the Seminary has to offer in the future.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest

by Rev. Sandra Josey, Bishop, HPs, ULC, COCM

First and foremost I want to thank you for your dedication and effort (s) in presenting me the opportunity to further my education and spiritual walk.

As I’ve stated on the forum previously I started this course eagerly and with much positive anticipation. The fist few lessons were confirmations to me that I was, indeed, upon my correct spiritual truth-path. Grounding, centering, were things that I was already doing and already teaching to others.

As the lessons continued I was to be found having a complete knee-joint replacement. Only by grounding, centering, using my roses, blowing them up, bringing in my suns, allowing the pain to go into the middle of the earth and be re-born as positive healing did I make it through. Did it work?

“Oh my goodness, you’re healing so fast!”, or “My, your scar looks incredible, I’ve never seen anything like this!” to “I can’t believe you’re walking so well in such a short time!” Confirmations, affirmations, whatever you want to call it…..you and Spirit Quest have helped me through a time in my life that could have been much worse on this old Crone.

More? My grandson infected with the MRSA bacteria. On the brink of losing him, I enfolded him in a blue healing rose while blowing up his infection in a black one…he’s doing just fine. Was it me? No, never me, but the combination of my learning the Spirit
Quest techniques and believing in them; a Doctor who recognized the infection; and most importantly the Mother Goddess and Father God who allowed me to learn this technique and be able to use it with intent; I give full credit.

The next door neighbor whose cancer has returned and is in despair. A young friend who needed and is going through a rare liver disease and transplant. Spirit Quest and what I’ve learned here has been a tremendous help with how I’ve responded to each person, how I’ve been able to counsel them, pray for them.

I am also a Shamanic Student. What I am learning there and what I’ve learned here are becoming merged as one. We are all connected; everything and everyone that has been, is now, and will be. Each turn of our Mother Earth and all upon Her is connected to us. “We are star stuff, Grammy” my grandson said to me one night as we gazed at the universe. “Why do you say that?” I asked. “Well, if God/dess made us, and the stars, then S/He’s in both”.

Am I on the right Spiritual path? I am. I’m happy, complete, and comfortable in my truth. Living as well as I can, learning my lessons and asking for wisdom to carry them forward to others who are on their journeys.

The most important factor in all this is that I’ve laid down my fear. All I can do is to live my life moment by moment. Not minute by minute, hour by hour nor day by day. Each moment precious, each one a gift; each a life and a death then a life again, thus the circle continues. Spirit Quest has given me the tools to become better able to do this for myself and help those who come into my world understand that they are eternal; Spiritual, Divine, part and parcel of the I AM, the WHOLE.

Spirit Quest added tools, from that confidence, in that peace.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest

by Rev. Ruth Roberts

With all the wonderful things I’ve learned from this course, it has been difficult to sort out favorites. I have decided to write about the ones that have made the biggest changes. I will start with the Golden Sun.

One particularly exciting incident was the removal of my energy from a previous work place. I enjoyed my job there and all the people involved. I was there much of my time as I tended to work a lot of overtime (my choice). A better paying job came along so, as much as I loved my work, I left for the money. That was in 1987. Since that time, up until I started this course, my dreams were filled with this place. It was unbelievable how often I dreamed of it and the key people who worked there. It was, to say the least, rather annoying. When I read about, and used, the small Golden Sun to go into this place and remove my energy (it took a couple of times to totally clear), this changed. I have not dreamed of this place since. It has been wonderful for me. I am finally at peace with it.

The “Competition” section has been another blessing for me. I have a co-worker that fell into this area. She couldn’t stand me and after a while I didn’t like being around her, talking to her, or listening to her talk on the phone. The tension had gotten pretty bad. She always spoke to me in a demeaning, superior manner and constantly looking for something I did incorrectly then would to my boss about it (which never got me in trouble as the were petty complaints). The “Competition” lesson came just in time. It was a job saver as I was getting ready to quit my job just to get away from all the tension as I didn’t know what the problem was. After reading the section, however, it showed me what the problem was. She and I had the same job title and she was there before me, thus the competition.
I practiced hard on the spiritual “Hello” every day for a while and let it go to see what would happen. There has not been a tremendous change in our relationship. It has taken a little while as it didn’t happen over night, but we get along quite well now. There is no more tension, we pitch in and help each other out when needed, and she will actually come into my office just to chat. Thank God this has happened. The tension is gone and the work environment is much more pleasant. Believe it or not, just the understanding of what was going on and the spiritual connection has brought about this unique change.

I have also gotten very good results from the destroying of roses. My most recent, and most important, action with putting my problems into the rose and destroying them was due to the pain, sorrow, and uncertainty of events surrounding the death of my Mother. I have recently used the roses to help me deal with this. I would put one issue at a time into the rose and destroy it and filling up with the Golden Sun. I would do this a couple of times and then create a rose and put Love into it and do the same thing. It has helped my cope with this event much better. I am still very sad, but the creation and destruction of the roses has helped heal the excruciating pain and I have found a lot of inner peace. It helped push me through the most devastating parts of the grieving process.

This course is full of so much knowledge and so many tools that I have needed in my life. There are no words that can express my gratitude for such a course. I know that as I continue using these my life will be more peaceful and prosperous.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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