Welcome to Day 2 of the "What Is Metaphysics"
Today's Lesson is: "Why Should I Care About Metaphysics?"
There could be many different answers to this question, why should I study metaphysics. I have written about the main ones below, and this leads me to today's action step. Today's action step is for you to discover your reason for studying metaphysics. Maybe your reason is some deep question you need answered or you need to help someone else. Whatever your reason, it must be definite, it must be valid, and it must resonate with your heart. Only then, will you enjoy metaphysics and then you will be able to uncover the desired outcome to your quest for knowledge.
When Jon Roe was asked, this question, why study metaphysics? He replied, "If life is going great, you're healthy, happy and content, you don't need it. If you have a solid belief system that will support you through the bad times, you don't need it. If you have good self-esteem and you unconditionally love yourself, you don't need it. If you find peace and support your religion and spirituality you don't need it."
As you may have probably guessed, since I directly quoted him, I completely agree with him.
So the main reasons, listed in no particular order, why people study metaphysics are:
to obtain a strong, belief system that completely resonates with you
to gain comfort in trying/challenging times in your life
to have no more fears, in other words, to obtain peace of mind (as you will be able to understand the true nature of reality)
to find an answer to those tough, life-transforming questions that are in the back of everyone's mind, such as, What is the meaning of life? How did I get here? Where did I come from? What is my purpose? Etc…
to understand and experience God
to enjoy the health, wealth, and happiness applying this knowledge can give you
to gain a new perspective on the world and life, that you may have never considered, it is a new way to think outside the box
to begin to fulfill your unlimited potential
Study this list, and discover the one that fits for you. If none of these does, than you can come up with your own. I look forward to talking to you tomorrow in Day 3; the lesson will be "What Does Metaphysics Actually Cover." Till then, may you enjoy infinite love and happiness.
Jason Randhawa
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