Spirit Quest Course

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Metaphysics Course on What Metaphysics Covers

Welcome to Day 3 of the "What Is Metaphysics" E-Course

Today's Lesson: "What Does Metaphysics Actually Cover?"

Metaphysics usually refers to two seemingly separate, even contradicting subjects:
    1. Mysticism which refers to experiences of unity with God or All-That-Is.

    2. Occultism which refers to the extension of knowing (ESP, which is telepathy, clairvoyance, channeling, etc.) beyond the usually recognized fields of human activity.

For a more in depth view of what metaphysics entails, there are five basic sub disciplines that make up 'metaphysics':
    1. Natural Philosophy: a term applied to the objective study of nature and the physical universe, as it was before the development of modern science.

    2.Ontology: the study of being and existence. In other words, ontology is the study of reality. This is one of the most fundamental branches of metaphysics. Its purpose is to define entities and types of entities within its framework.

    3.Philosophy of Religion: the rational study of the meaning and justification of fundamental religious claims, particularly about the nature and existence of God.

    4.Philosophy of Mind: the philosophical study of the mind, mental events, mental functions, mental properties, and consciousness. In addition, this includes the "mind-body" connection, which is the relationship with the physical body and the things listed above. The mind refers to the collective aspects of intelligence and consciousness, which are manifest in some combination of thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination. Currently, the majority of scientists believe that the mind is a result of the brain. But metaphysicians would argue that the brain is actually a result of the mind.

    5.Philosophy of Perception: the study of how mental processes and symbols depend on the world internal and external to the perceiver. What is experienced or observed is always confined to the beliefs and limits of the observer.

I know today's lesson was very technical, but I believe it is important for you to understand what the study of metaphysics actually consists in. So there really are no action steps for today, other than understanding the topics above. Tomorrow in Day 4 we will be going into details on metaphysics' position on each of these topics.

I look forward to talking to you tomorrow, in Day 4, the lesson will be "The Basics of Metaphysics." Till then, may you enjoy infinite love and happiness.


Jason Randhawa

Universal Life Church

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