Spirit Quest Course

This blog has essays from the Spirit Quest course offered through the Universal Life Church Seminary. The course is 30 weeks long and will change your life.

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dr. Spirituality lesson 14 from Monnie

Good morning Amy,
Here is my response to lesson 14 Healing Depression

We were to do a smiling meditation 10 minutes twice a day and report on our experiences.

I found it difficult to smile for 10 minutes twice a day during a meditation. I regularly do a breathing meditation in the morning.  With my clients I help them do the following meditation , "Breathing in I calm my body, breathing out I smile."  I find this helpful, as do my clients. I do a different meditation at night on a regular basis.  While I appreciate the helpful hints in terms of conquering negative thinking and in having an attitude of gratitude and finding joy in life I do not believe these things conquer deep depression. I believe these tips are helpful for everyone and they do have a positive impact I do not think they "heal depression." 

Depression is a medical imbalance in the body.  No matter how much I laugh (and I laugh a lot during each day) and no matter how grateful I am (and I do have an attitude of gratitude, and no matter how much I pray (I pray regularly throughout the day) and no matter how much medication I take ( take a depression medication) I still experience depression.  This condition runs in my family.  I see myself as a basically happy person who enjoys life and my friends and colleagues see me in this light also. So in conclusion while I liked the sentiment of this lesson, and while I think the lesson is helpful in combating "the blues", I do not think it "heals depression." 

It does however improve one's quality of life. Monnie

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